Friday, May 14, 2010

This week

SO I don't know why, but I can't seem to load my videos onto my blog. I'll have to have Jordan figure it out:) This week has been so busy. We got our garage sale together and opened on Thursday. I have never seen so many people at a garage sale! I was so surprised. My friend from college is coming to visit me(Laura)! I'm so excited to see her! It has been maybe 2years since I've seen her? I can't remember. Isn't that sad. I miss all my college girl buddies. I love you all so much! I was having withdraws from my child. My mom watched her all day yesterday for the garage sale and the day before she watched her for a bit while I did errands. I love my baby so much. I am so thankful to the Lord Jesus for her! Well, I need to get back to cleaning, because I don't want my house to be a wreck when Laura gets here!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Today we celebrated two things, Mother's Day and Peyton's dedication to the Lord. I don't know which is better:) I am so glad we were able to dedicate her to the Lord. I truly pray that Jordan and I will be dedicated in raising our child in the way of the Lord. She is the best gift ever, but Jordan did surprise me with another gift. He got me a pedicure and massage to do with my mom and sisters. I thought we were just getting one for my mom, but Jordan got me the same thing and Aaron got Crystal the same thing. So we are all going together! Yea! I can't wait for Crystal and Aaron to come. We miss them so much! Anyway, My in-laws were here for Peyton's dedication. My grandparents and my side of the family were at church as well. It was so special. I am so blessed to have a wonderful family. Thank you Lord Jesus for all the wonderful blessings.
This is Peyton and I at the horse exhibit at the zoo. She was having so much fun!
Best Friends hanging out by the cows!
Langston feeding the sheep :)
Peyton and Kennedy feeding the sheep
Peyton's second trip to the zoo. I'm bad and forgot to document the first one. Opps:)

Thursday, May 6, 2010


My husband is coming home in the morning! He should be here when I wake up! Yea finally! I have missed him so much. It doesn't help that I post pictures of him on facebook. It makes me miss him that much more. I think it has helped to have Peyton, cuz then I'm not entirely by myself doing nothing. She is such a blessing from God above. If I do nothing on Mother's Day or get nothing, I honestly will not be disappointed because I already have the best gift, my daughter. She is enough for me. The Lord has made me a mommy, that's awesome enough. I don't understand the depth of why God loves me. I fail Him over and over again. Yet He pours out His love so greatly. Why? Why does He love me? I just don't get it. I hope you don't think I am conceded in saying that. I love you Lord! I pray that if anything that my life is a reflection of His love. I have so many areas I need to work at. One of them being selflessness. Yeah. That's a biggy for sure! I have a hard time with it. I want to do what I want to do when I want to do it! Ugliness. That's all I have to say. What ugliness. My heart was so black and infested with sin before Jesus. Thank you for throwing that one away and giving me a new one! Ok, enough about that. Well, I guess I'm gonna go to bed! Nighty Night!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Well today playgroup went to the zoo. We had so much fun! I can't wait until Peyton is old enough to thoroughly enjoy it. She obviously didn't understand what was going on. We saw the sheep, bears, big monkeys, tigers, and the skunk looking monkey's. They were interesting. We also saw some Canadian Geese get into it over some goslings. It was quite hysterical. We saw a mama Crane tending to her egg in her nest. It was a very lively day at the zoo. I think the animals were all hyped up from the school kids being there. It was a zoo at the zoo! Anyway, we had a fun time. Peyton touched a horse today. She wasn't scared or anything. She was more interested in the fence! Haha. She is so funny sometimes. Well, I'm off to bed cuz I work tomorrow! Fun, Fun! Remember Jesus loves you so much that He gave His life for you. When you think no one loves you, He does!